General knowledge of Ibb Governorate the state/province of Yemen

Mostly asked questions about the province Ibb Governorate

What is the country of Ibb Governorate ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Ibb Governorate ?

How many cities are in the state Ibb Governorate ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Ibb Governorate ?

What are the name of cities of Ibb Governorate ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Ibb Governorate

First question is about the country which is Yemen and YE is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Ibb Governorate there is only 20 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Ibb Governorate by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Ibb Governorate
Country Name flag of YE Yemen
Country Code YE
Total States of Yemen 21
Total Cities of State 20

All Cities of Ibb Governorate

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Al ‘Udayn 13.96112000 43.96608000
2 Al Dhihar 13.97900000 44.15260000
3 Al Makhādir 14.13965000 44.20330000
4 Al Mashannah 13.95730000 44.17000000
5 Al Qafr 14.31290000 44.03000000
6 An Nādirah 14.07398000 44.49925000
7 Ar Radmah 14.21200000 44.56420000
8 As Sabrah 13.84270000 44.33860000
9 As Saddah 14.16610000 44.37510000
10 As Sayyani 13.82240000 44.21180000
11 Ash Sha'ir 14.03180000 44.36190000
12 Ba'dan 13.98870000 44.32360000
13 Dhī as Sufāl 13.82137000 44.07775000
14 Far Al Udayn 13.95780000 43.78270000
15 Hazm Al Udayn 14.16984000 43.93814000
16 Hubaysh 14.11600000 44.08240000
17 Ibb 13.96667000 44.18333000
18 Jiblah 13.91480000 44.12130000
19 Mudhaykhirah 13.86608000 43.96866000
20 Yarīm 14.25388000 44.31176000